Silverfish Infestation Can Be A Sign Of Major Problem


silverfishA fact: Do you know that silverfish is one of the most ancient insects on the planet? They have existed for more than 400 million years. They may don’t pose serious threats to humans, but can definitely cause certain major issues like food contamination and damaged goods.

Due to their size they usually go undetected and thus, proper silverfish control is important.

Physical appearance of silverfish

The name of a silverfish comes from its blue and silvery gray colour and because it moves much like a fish. It looks like a tear drop as the body is thicker towards the front. A typical silverfish usually measures between 12 to 19 millimetre in length.

Behaviour of silverfish

Whatever be the climate, silverfish have the capability of thriving in different conditions. They mostly prefer dark and damp areas like basements, bathrooms and kitchens. They love feeding on fungi, mould, and carbohydrates like sugar and starch. This means a number of things in your property are in danger. Silverfish can move extremely fast, which helps them to stay safe from predators.

Reproduction of silverfish

When it comes to mating, silverfish does a love dance. It is done through touching each others antennae and keep the tail vibrating. A chemical called spermatophore is laid by the male and the female takes it into her body to fertilise the eggs. Silverfish have no specific time of mating and thus, you may find an infestation within your property at any time of the year.

What are the causes of a silverfish infestation?

Silverfish infestation can damage the goods and contaminate food that is kept open. A common cause of silverfish infestation is open source of foods, though old books are also among their favourite snacks. Silverfish can also live for a year without eating. This makes them even harder to control. Considering this, it is a good idea to inspect your rooms with the help of professional pest services in North Shore. They can terminate the infestation efficiently and also choose user-friendly solutions to deal with the problem.

Preventing silverfish infestation

Old books, magazines and newspapers must be kept away in a sealed bag. Mould-infested or wet timber needs to be repaired or replaced as soon as possible. Also, make sure that the cracks are sealed with silicone caulk.

Whenever you experience silverfish infestation, call a professional pest controller as soon as possible to save your valuable belongings.